Current time: 11:07:13 GMT+1.
We offer 100% tested file service for MACK TRUCK with: -tuning Stage-1 -deleting of DPF / DOC / EGR / SCR adBlue / DEF -dpf off -doc off -scr adblue off -def off -egr off Supported ECU: CONTINENTAL MCM/ACM Bosch EDC7 Bosch MS6.2 Motorola CM2150E Motorola CM870 Motorola CM871 Motorola CM554 TRW EMS2 TRW EMS2.2 […]
Read moreWe offer 100% tested file service for Freightliner with: -tuning Stage-1 -deleting of DPF / DOC / EGR / SCR adBlue / DEF -dpf off -doc off -scr adblue off -def off -egr off Supported ECU: ADEM III ADEM IV Continental MCM/ACM Continental MCM2/ACM2 Continental MCM2.1/ACM2.1 Motorola CM554 Motorola CM570 Motorola CM871 Motorola CM2150D Motorola […]
Read moreWe offer tested file service for Kenworth with: -tuning Stage-1 -deleting of DPF / DOC / EGR / SCR AdBlue / DEF -dpf off -doc off -scr adblue off -def off -egr off Supported ECU: ADEM 4 ADEM 5 Delphi DMCI Delphi ETC3 Motorola CM2150 Motorola CM2250 Motorola CM2350 Motorola CM2350A Motorola CM570 Motorola CM850 […]
Read moreOferujemy przetestowany serwis plików dla wszystkich SCANIA TRUCK z: -tuningiem Stage-1 -kasowaniem DPF / DOC / EGR / SCR AdBlue/ DEF -stage1 -dpf off -doc off -scr AdBlue off -def off -egr off Obsługiwane ECU: EMS S6 EMS S7 EMS S8 EMS EMD1 Oferujemy wirtualny odczyt VR. Nie musisz czytać pliku z ECU za pomocą […]
Read moreWe offer an online file service with a tested solution for trucks and machines with mercedes engines euro 5 and euro 6 supported: Mercedes Actros / Atego / Axor; Freightliner Cascada / Western Star Mitsubishi Fuso Canter / Shogun Buses with a Mercedes engine And all other machines with a Mercedes engine with: -tuning Stage-1 […]
Read moreWe offer a tested file service for trucks and construction machines: Renault / Mack / VOLVO Trucks Euro-5 and Euro-6 engine; D2, D4, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D12, D13, D16: -tuning Stage-1 / ECO -deleting of DPF / DOC / EGR / SCR -dpf off -doc off -scr off -egr off supported ECU: TRW […]
Read moreWe offer tested file service for all Caterpillar engine CAT C3, C4, C6, C7, C9, C13, C15, C18, e.t.c. with: -tuning Stage-1 /ECO -deleting of DPF / DOC / EGR / SCR -dpf off -doc off -scr off -egr off Supported ECU: ADEM III ADEM IV A5M8 A5E2V2I1 A5X12I1 BOSCH EDC17C49 We recommend the alientech […]
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